Вопрос по английскому языку:
Complete the dialogue, then act it out in pairs.
A: ... last night?
B: ... a film on TV
A: Was it funny?
B: No, ...
A: ... in the film?
B: A young writer went to Paris with his girlfriend and his future parents-in-law
A: ...?
B: Yes, they did, but not together. The writer ... with his girlfriend and her, parents, so he started walking around Paris on his own
A: ... another woman?
B: Yes, but ... . She was part of his fantasy world.
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- 11.01.2018 09:44
- Английский язык
- remove_red_eye 766
- thumb_up 30
Ответы и объяснения 1
B: I watched a film on TV
A: Was it funny?
B: No, it wasn't
A: Whar was in the film?
B: A young writer went to Paris with his girlfriend and his future parents-in-law
A: Did they work in Paris?
B: Yes, they did, but not together. The writer married with his girlfriend and her, parents, so he started walking around Paris on his own
A: Who was another woman?
B: She was part of his fantasy world.
- 12.01.2018 14:04
- thumb_up 26
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