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- 02.06.2018 19:21
- Английский язык
- remove_red_eye 7745
- thumb_up 15
Ответы и объяснения 1
2 As far as I know Great Britain is famous for the Stonehenge and the Ness monster. I'd like to visit the Stonehenge that is believed to be an old observatory. Also I'd like to visit the lake in Scotland and listen to stories about the monster.
3 I'm interested in historical places in Ukraine. Please, can you recommend the most interesting places to visit? Where have you been? What landmarks did you see?
4 My favourite TV programme is any game show. I like such programmes because i like clever people who try to win a prize. It's a good moment to check yourself.
5 Which role do mass media play in your life and your family? Which kind of mass media is your favourite one? What kind of information do you prefer?
6 What would you like to be? Is that a useful profesion? Why? What is important to know and have to become a good specialist?
7 My father is a computer programmer. It's a wellpaid job and i think it's very prestigious nowadays. My mother is an economist. But now she doesn't work. She is a houswife.
- 03.06.2018 23:42
- thumb_up 6
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Английский язык — язык англо-фризской подгруппы западной группы германской ветви индоевропейской языковой семьи.