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Пожалуйста помогите срочно, надо составить МАЛЕНЬКИЙ рассказ по английскому про путешествие в Питер на машине
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- 02.11.2017 16:34
- Английский язык
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Ответы и объяснения 1
Literary and musical heritage of this city is incredible – a lot of writers, poets and composers were working in this mysterious misty place by the side of Neva. It really blows your mind! Together with Paris, Rome and Venice St. Petersburg old city is under the patronage of UNESCO. Besides, here you can find the temples of 42 confessions including amazing mosque with a porcelain dome, the only bonzery in Europe and one of the most beautiful chapels of Malthusian Order.
St. Petersburg is also the city of bridges. 68 rivers, channels and lades cross the city in different directions forming 42 islands on its territory. Now there are 580 bridges including 20 drawbridges in St. Petersburg and its suburbs.
This city is famous for its remarkable atmosphere. Visitors can frequently hear next words: “Open your heart to the city and it will open for you and will remain in your heart forever”. And if it really happens whenever you come to St. Petersburg no matter it rains or the sunshine is ferocious, it is sleety or freezing the city will receive you as its native child. It will impart its warmth to you, soothe you and infuse with hope sure enough.
Without the slightest doubt, “white nights” are the most popular time for tourists to visit St. Petersburg. A lot of festivals and excursions are conducted in the city through this period.
- 03.11.2017 13:11
- thumb_up 50
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