Вопрос по английскому языку:
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Mum wants to buy a new sofa for the sitting room. So, yesterday, we went to the largest furniture store in the city. Mum's friend, who is a ___DESIGN___, recommended that store as the best in the city.
However, we didn’t buy anything because Mum couldn't make a ______DECIDE______ about what she liked best. There were sofas in ______TRADITION______ and modern styles. They were presented in ___DIFFER___ colours and patterns. The shop assistant was very ____HELP___. She patietly showed us one model after another. At last Mum chose one of them, but, ______FORTUNATELY______, they didn’t have that model in her favourite colour.
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Mum wants to buy a new sofa for the sitting room. So, yesterday, we went to the largest furniture store in the city. Mum's friend, who is a ___________, recommended that store as the best in the city.
However, we didn’t buy anything because Mum couldn't make a _______ about what she liked best.
There were sofas in ________ and modern styles.
They were presented in ___________ colours and patterns.
The shop assistant was very ______________. She patinetly showed us one model after another.
At last Mum chose one of them, but, ______________, they didn’t have that model in her favourite colour.
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