Вопрос по английскому языку:
Умаляю поможіть мені треба твір на тему моє улюблене місто бажано на англ мові!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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- 09.12.2017 10:18
- Английский язык
- remove_red_eye 2789
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Ответы и объяснения 1
I like to spend my holidays in the country. Summer in Gruzdevo is magic! We have a house in Gruzdevo. It is cozy. There are three rooms. The kitchen is in the garden. When we cook some tasty food, many cats from other houses appear. In the evening we meet hedgehogs. Their favorite food is milk.
I’ve got a pet. It is a Russian blue cat Masha. She is a hunter. She can catch mice but she doesn’t eat them. Masha is the boss in our family!
There is a river in Gruzdevo. Suvorosh is a wild forest river. The water is crystal. You can see the fish. The flow is strong. Suvorosh is my teacher of swimming. It gives me strength and health.
I love the forest. There are many amazing things in it. I often go to the forest with my parents. We find berries, mushrooms. We can hear bird songs and other sounds of nature. The trees and flowers are colorful. We find footprints of wild animals. Elks, wild boars, foxes, raccoon dogs, badgers, hares, squirrels, martens, polecats live in our forest. The beavers gnaw trees. Once I saw a desman! It is a rare animal.
Russian nature is very beautiful! I am proud and happy to be part of it.
- 01.01.1970 00:00
- thumb_up 34
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