Вопрос по английскому языку:
Написать текст о почтальоне. поваре,продавце, враче на английском
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- 06.04.2018 17:27
- Английский язык
- remove_red_eye 6316
- thumb_up 10
Ответы и объяснения 1
This profession is very in demand. Everyone can master it. Of course, after all, any of us can cook something delicious. But only a few will succeed.
The cook is needed in any public catering institution. And recently there has been a tendency to hire cooks in offices to prepare meals for their employees.
Salary, depending on the qualifications and the region of residence on average from 20,000 rubles. Chefs from 50 000 rubles. ( Это про повара )
It is not known how the life of people took shape, if there was no postal service. The postman profession is a job in the post office. The mail employee delivers letters, parcels, the press and other types of correspondence to the addressees. The term "postman" has Italian roots - "postiglione". The postman profession belongs to the category of ancient works. It is interesting that the profession has not changed much even for a few centuries, and 300 years ago a person takes or delivers correspondence. Working time of the postman starts with the spreading of letters along the route, selection of the press for the recipients, etc. He groups different types of newspapers and magazines, then begins shipping home. It also sorts the notices that recipients should receive. The postman also delivers pensions and other money transfers. Gets receipts for timely and complete delivery. He also makes a subscription to the periodicals. The postman's salary is a fixed salary. ( Это про почтальона )
Recently, we all understand that human life is priceless. There is nothing more precious than the life of our relatives, loved ones, children, just strangers. Sometimes it happens that we do not voluntarily lose loved ones and acquaintances, there are circumstances above our desires. But we can influence the state of our health: to worsen it or make it better. In this we are helped by medical workers.
The profession of a doctor has existed for a very long time. You can safely say that it is one of the most important for humanity. From birth to death, a person needs qualified medical care, understanding during difficult life situations, solving piquant problems, which even a native can not always be said.. ( Это врач )
The history of the seller's profession is directly related to the development of trade in our country and in the world. The process of natural exchange (or barter) appeared long before the money, but what happened could be called trade. Simply the goods were exchanged for each other without using any equivalent.
With the appearance of money, the exchange process has been modified and simplified: it became possible to easily exchange any goods for money. The coins were put into circulation from the 7th century BC. E.
The concept of "seller" appeared in the Russian language not immediately. Once the main figure in the trade was a merchant. He sold, bought, resold. Also there was a salesperson. He traveled through the villages and bought up rural products, cattle, fish, and then formed from them lots and profitable reselling to larger traders. And only with the appearance of large trading enterprises and department stores at the end of the XIX century, the term "seller" was fixed .. ( Это продавец ) Надеюсь информация была полезной. Удачи !!!
- 07.04.2018 20:10
- thumb_up 23
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