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read the text about Pubs in the uk and fill in the correct articles. comment on their usage.pubs in the uk
public House or PUB, in the Uk is an establishment providing alcoholic liquors to be consumed on the premises....... British common law early imposed social responsibilities for........ well-being of travellers upon the inns and traverns. declaring them to be public houses which must receive all travellers in reasonable condition who were willing to pay ...... price for food, drink, and...... lodging. during ........ time of Tudor selected innkeepers were required by.... royal act to maintain stables; in addition, some innkeepers acted as........ unofficial postmasters and kept stables for...... royal post. in the mid-1600s, some public houses even issued unofficial coins which ... innkeepers guaranteed to redeem in ... realm's currency.The early inns or taverns were identified by ... simple signs, such as lions, dolphins, or black swans. In the 18th century,... word Arms was appended to many pub names, indicating that ... establishment was under the protection of ... particular noble family, although some heraldic signs were references to ... original ownership of the land on which ... inn or tavern stood. Some 200 of ... old coaching and posting inns, including a few that date back more than 400 years, are still operating in England and Wales under ... management of ... Trust Mouse companies, groups be¬gun in ... early 20th century in order to prevent the old inns from becoming... merely local taverns.Although ... public houses were traditionally owned and operated by licensed victuallers or publicans, by the early part of ... 20th century many of them were owned or otherwise connected to ... comparatively small number of ... brewery companies.
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