Вопрос по английскому языку:
How well do you know the geography USA;
1.Five big lakes in the north of the USA;
2.The largest city in the USA;
3.The biggest river of the USA;
4.The chain of mountains in the east of the USA;
5.The chain of mountains in the west of the USA;
6.the biggest state of the USA;
7. The capital of the USA;
8.The plains wich are situated in the central part of USA.
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- 06.09.2018 23:03
- Английский язык
- remove_red_eye 7572
- thumb_up 19
Ответы и объяснения 1
In the north-east of the USA there are the Great Lakes – Lake Huron, Lake Ontario, Lake Michigan, Lake Superior, Lake Erie
2. The largest city in the USA is New York.
3. The biggest river of the USA is the Mississippy.
4. The chain of mountains in the east of the USA is the Appalachian mountains.
5. The chain of mountains in the west of the USA is the Rocky mountains, or the Cordillera.
6. The biggest state of the USA is Alaska.
7. The capital of the USA is Washington DC.
8. The plains which are situated in the central part of USA are the Great Plains.
- 07.09.2018 17:01
- thumb_up 37
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