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- 16.04.2018 08:33
- Английский язык
- remove_red_eye 14604
- thumb_up 12
Ответы и объяснения 1
Once upon a time in 1723 the city of Perm appeared on the banks of the Kama river. It soon became a big and beautiful city. Nowadays more than one million people live here. The city of Perm is guarded by a two-headed eagle. In a far-away city, behind the endless rivers, behind the mighty mountains high in the sky it has soared above the city since that time. He is the Lord of the heavens and it is still guarding the city His sharp eyes notice everything. On the banks of the Kama river where the city is located you can see the river station - a water gate to the city. Perm is the best and native city for its citizens. The city is rich in traditions and attractions. On a high mountain in Motovilikha there is a monument to brave fighters. Not every city can boast of a circus! The city of Perm has got it! There is also a planetarium, museums, an observation wheel, some theaters and a lot of large shops.
Perm is our favourite city! We were born here, we live here, we go to kindergartens and schools here. Welcome to our native city of Perm.
- 17.04.2018 19:05
- thumb_up 46
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