Вопрос по английскому языку:
Circle the correct answer.
1. I felt under the --- and mom let me stay at home and not go to school.
A climate B weather C clouds
2. Lots of cars in the streets produce toxic---which pollute the environment.
A fumes B fog C flames
3. After the earthquake almost all the town lay --- ruins.
A on B in C by
4. When visiting London don’t --- the chance to visit the Madame Tussaud’s Museum.
A leave B miss C lose
5. Because of ---rains the lower part of the city was flooded.
A huge B massive C heavy
6. The prime minister couldn’t arrive on time and the press conference was called--- .
A out B off C for
7. Before the flight the plane --- give the passengers all the essential information.
A. team B crew C staff
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- 05.02.2018 18:58
- Английский язык
- remove_red_eye 12152
- thumb_up 45
Ответы и объяснения 1
1. I felt under the - B weather -- and mom let me stay at home and not go to school.
2. Lots of cars in the streets produce toxic- A fumes --which pollute the environment.
3. After the earthquake almost all the town lay - B in -- ruins.
4. When visiting London don’t - B miss -- the chance to visit the Madame Tussaud’s Museum.
5. Because of - C heavy --rains the lower part of the city was flooded.
6. The prime minister couldn’t arrive on time and the press conference was called-- B off - .
7. Before the flight the plane - B crew -- give the passengers all the essential information- 06.02.2018 12:11
- thumb_up 50
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