Вопрос по английскому языку:
Read Asel s diary and answer the puestions below.
Tuesday 14th.
I feel better today.Yesterday I felt fine all morning,but in the afternoon I began to feel really ill.I was hot,then cold.I had a headache.I felt tired and I feit sick.
I finally decided to go home. I arrived home at two o clock and went straight to bed.I took 2 aspirins and had a hot drink.I slept until this morning -18 hours in all. May be it was flu.Today I feel better, but I m staying in bed.I m enjoying the rest and reading a very good book.
1) When did she begin to feel ill?
2)What was the matter?
3)Did she have a headache in the morning?
4)How long did she sleep?
5)How does she feel today?
6)Why is she staying in bed?
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- 02.05.2018 23:49
- Английский язык
- remove_red_eye 19992
- thumb_up 20
Ответы и объяснения 1
She was hot,then cold.She had a headache and felt tired and sick.
No, she didn't has a headache in the morning.
She slept 18 hours.
Today she feels better, but she is staying in bed .
She is staying in bed because she is enjoying the rest and reading a very good book.
- 03.05.2018 10:58
- thumb_up 46
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