Вопрос по английскому языку:
Read what Chris said about the pantomime he had seen. Report what he said.
"It was cold outside but in the theatre the people felt warm and cosy. Then it became dark and the curtain went up. Suddenly the Clown jumped on to the stage. He greeted the children and their parents. Their answers were not loud enough. The Clown asked the children to speak louder. They shouted their greetings. The performance began.
1) Chris said....
2) He also said that...
3) Chris went on to say that suddenly...
4) He added that the clown....
5) He added that their answers...
6) Chris said that the Clown....
7) He also said that the children...
8) Chris explained that the performance....
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- 21.03.2018 15:20
- Английский язык
- remove_red_eye 17093
- thumb_up 42
Ответы и объяснения 1
2. He also said that then it had become dark and the curtain had gone up.
3. Chris went on to say that suddenly the Clown had jumped on to the stage.
4. He added that the Clown had greeted the children and their parents.
5. He added that their answers had not been loud enough.
6. Chris said that the Clown had asked the children to speak louder.
7. He also said that the children had shouted their greetings.
8. Chris explained that the performance had begun.
- 22.03.2018 19:36
- thumb_up 44
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