Вопрос по английскому языку:
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Передайте следующие предложения в косвенной речи и переведите их на русский язык.
1. He said, «I went to get this book because I have not read it.» 2. She said, «I have spoken to Mr. Brown and he will be here in an hour. 3. They asked us, «Will you attend our conference this week?» 4. She said to me, «Give me some time to think.» 5. He said to me, «Are you familiar with this text?» 6. He asked the girl, «How did you manage to carry that heavy box?» 7. She said, «Don’t shut the window!» 8. «I must go home because it is getting late,» she said. 9. «Are you going to London?» the strange boy asked Oliver. 10. «The sailors know the place,» said the captain. 11. «It is too cold today,» said his sister. 12. «Can you make your report this week?» asked me the teacher. 13. «I haven’t finished packing yet,» said Mary. 14. The teacher said to his students, «Open your exercise-books and write what I am going to dictate to you.» 15. «There is little work left to do,» said Ann.
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- 08.11.2017 02:44
- Английский язык
- remove_red_eye 11845
- thumb_up 38
Ответы и объяснения 1
2. She said she had spoken to Mr. Brown and that he would be there in an hour.
3. They asked us if we would attend their conference that week.
4. She asked me for some time to think.
5. He asked me if I was familiar with that text.
6. He asked the girl how she had managed to carry that heavy box.
7. She told them not to shut the window.
8. She said she had to go home because it was getting late.
9. The strange boy asked Oliver if he was going to London.
10. The captain that the sailors knew the place.
11. His sister said that it was too cold that day.
12. The teacher asked me if I could make my report that week.
13. Mary said she hadn’t finished packing.
14. The teacher said to his students to open their exercise-books and to write what he/she was going to dictate to them.
15. Ann said that there was little work left to do.
- 09.11.2017 15:46
- thumb_up 12
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