Вопрос по английскому языку:
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1. What will you taste at the oriental market?
2. Is everything cooked fresh daily?
3. The quality of the produce is superb, isn’t it?
4. Why should you look at the tomatoes?
5. What is there in the crates?
6. What can you see moving on to the meat stalls?
7. Where can you buy honey and different olives?
8. Does sausage vary in flavour? What does its flavour depend on?
9. Would you like to visit the oriental market?
10.What would you taste and buy there?
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- 25.06.2018 14:28
- Английский язык
- remove_red_eye 17669
- thumb_up 38
Ответы и объяснения 1
2.Yes, we cooked every day
3.Yes, it is excellent
4.We have to look at them, because they have to be of high quality
5.In crates are vegetables.
6.I see the meat stalls, you are right in front of them
7.In front of the shop
8.Sausage does not change the taste, it is always tasty
9.I very much want to visit it
10.I would like to try oriental spices and buy them!
- 26.06.2018 03:36
- thumb_up 36
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