Вопрос по английскому языку:
1. I (be) late for my flight because I (park) in the wrong terminal.
2. Your boss (call) three times this morning.
3. It often (rain) in autumn.
4. Someone stole their hand luggage when they (wait) in the queue.
5. Jess was exhausted because she (wait) for three hours for her flight.
6. He'll be here soon. He just (leave).
7. Take your umbrella in case it (rain).
8. Daisy already (leave) the airport when she (realize) she had the wrong suitcase.
9. My flight arrived late because it (not take off) on time.
10. After I ( pick up) my luggage I (take) a taxi to my hotel.
11. My mother couldn't move her legs because she (sit) down for so long.
12. I (shop) all morning. I'm exhausted.
13. I can't go for a walk. I (help) my mother.
14. Water (freeze) at 0
15. When I (walk) in the park the ducks (swim) in the pond and some children ( play) football.
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- 20.07.2018 06:06
- Английский язык
- remove_red_eye 7740
- thumb_up 48
Ответы и объяснения 1
2. Your boss (has called) three times this morning.
3. It often (rains) in autumn.
4. Someone stole their hand luggage when they (were waiting) in the queue.
5. Jess was exhausted because she (had been waiting) for three hours for her flight.
6. He'll be here soon. He has just (left).
7. Take your umbrella in case it (rains).
8. Daisy had already (left) the airport when she (realized) she had the wrong suitcase.
9. My flight arrived late because it (had not taken off) on time.
10. After I (had picked up) my luggage I (took) a taxi to my hotel.
11. My mother couldn't move her legs because she (had been sitting) down for so long.
12. I (have beeen shopping) all morning. I'm exhausted.
13. I can't go for a walk. I (am helping) my mother.
14. Water (freezes) at 0°C.
15. When I (was walking) in the park the ducks (were swimming) in the pond and some children (were playing) football.
- 21.07.2018 15:57
- thumb_up 36
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