Вопрос по английскому языку:
II. Read the text and make it complete with the help of derivatives from the words written on the right.
1 Although the term “human rights”, “civil rights”, and “civil liberties” are often used
interchangeably, there are ***s in emphasis.
2 The term “human rights” is used *** in international law to mean the right to which all MOST
3 human *** s are entitled. BE
4 These are often divided into civil and *** rights (such as the right to free speech and
the right to vote)
5 which ***s should not restrict, GOVERN
6 and ***, social ECONOM
7 and *** rights ( such as the right to health care CUTURE
8 and ***) which governments should strive to provide. EDUCATE
9 “Civil rights” and “civil liberties” are ***s used more often EXPRESS
to describe ***s protected by the laws of a particular country. FREE
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- 05.04.2018 13:29
- Английский язык
- remove_red_eye 6201
- thumb_up 16
Ответы и объяснения 1
1 Although the term “human rights”, “civil rights”, and “civil liberties” are often used interchangeably, there are differences (DIFFER) in emphasis.
2 The term “human rights” is used mostly (MOST) in international law to mean the right to which all
3 human beings (BE) are entitled.
4 These are often divided into civil and political (POLITICS) rights (such as the right to free speech and the right to vote)
5 which governments (GOVERN) should not restrict,
6 and economical (ECONOMY), social
7 and cultural (CULTURE) rights ( such as the right to health care
8 and education(EDUCATE)) which governments should strive to provide.
9 “Civil rights” and “civil liberties” are expressions (EXPRESS) used more often
10 to describe freedoms (FREE) protected by the laws of a particular country.
- 06.04.2018 02:16
- thumb_up 5
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