Вопрос по английскому языку:
Напишите следующие предложения в вопросительной и отрицательной формах:
1) They fre in Europe now.
2) She is a clever girl.
3) It is cold today.
4) He is in his office now.
5) They are members of the country club.
6)Both sisters are tall.
7)John is angry with you.
8)She is a good tennis player.
9)The stamps are in my desk.
10)She is a good teacher/
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- 11.10.2017 11:38
- Английский язык
- remove_red_eye 3462
- thumb_up 36
Ответы и объяснения 2
1) They are not in Europe now. Are they in Europe now?
2)She isn't a clever girl. Is she a clever girl?
3) It is not cold today. Is it a cold today?
4) He isn't in his office now. Is he in his office now?
5) They are not members of the country club. Are they members of the country club?
6)Both sisters aren't tall. Are both sisters tall?
7)John isn't angry with you . Is John angry with you?
8)She isn't good tennis player. Is she good tennis player?
9)The stamps aren't in my desk. Are the stamps in my desk?
10)She isn't good teacher. Is she good teacher?
- 12.10.2017 04:54
- thumb_up 37
Удачи и пятёрок!
1) Are they in Europe now?
They are not in Europe now.
2)Is she a clever girl?
She is not a clever girl.
3) Is it cold today?
It is not cold today.
4)Is he in his office now?
He is not in his office now.
5)Are they members of the country club?
They are not members of the country club.
6)Are both sisters tall?
Both sisters are not tall.
7)Is John angry with you?
John is not angry with you.
8)Is She a good tennis player?
She is not a good tennis player.
9)Are The stamps in my desk?
The stamps are not in my desk.
10)Is She a good teacher?
She is not a good teacher.
- 13.10.2017 05:21
- thumb_up 11
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Английский язык — язык англо-фризской подгруппы западной группы германской ветви индоевропейской языковой семьи.