Вопрос по английскому языку:
Put one verb in each sentence into the Present Indefinite and the other verb into the wil/won't form.
When I (see)…………………………………………..him, I give him your message.
I buy a new car as soon as I (have)………………………………….enough money.
If the weather (be…………………. nice tomorrow, we (go)…………………sailing.
I (look after)……………………….your cat while you (be)……………….on holiday.
He (not / do)…………………….anything until he (hear)…………………….from us.
The door (not / open)……………………..unless you (push)………………….it hard.
We (play)…………………….tennis this evening as long as it (not / rain)…………
I (lend)…………………..you the money provided you (pay)……………….me back tomorrow.
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- 19.07.2018 14:15
- Английский язык
- remove_red_eye 18312
- thumb_up 21
Ответы и объяснения 1
When I will see him, I give him your message. I buy a new car as soon as I will have enough money. If the weather is nice tomorrow, we will sailing. I will look after your cat while you will be on holiday. He won't do anything until he hears from us. The door won't open unless you push it hard. We will play tennis this evening as long as it doesn't I will you the money provided you pay back tomorrow.
- 20.07.2018 14:31
- thumb_up 44
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