Вопрос по английскому языку:
Task 1
Choose the correct variant:
… is the Sun together with the planets going round it.
the solar system b) a galaxy c) a planet.
… is a large, round object that goes round a star.
space b) the universe c) a planet
… is a very violent wind in the form of a runnel of air that spins at great speed.
a flood b) a tornado c) a hurricane
… is a sudden shaking of the ground.
an earthquake b) a drought c) a volcano
… is a group of stars to which the Sun and its planets belong.
Galaxy b) The Milky Way c) The Moon
Task 2
Answer the questions:
Who was the first astronaut?
What are names of the oceans?
Is the Sun planet? What is it?
What were you doing at 5 o'clock yesterday?
Task 3
Put the words in right order and translate the sentences:
music, I, a long, for, have not, time, listened, to.
Galileo, telescope, the first, made, it, and, looked through.
were, something, They, interesting, looking at, more.
careful, should be, spacemen, with, very, their, spacesuit.
Трудности с пониманием предмета? Готовишься к экзаменам, ОГЭ или ЕГЭ?
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- 09.08.2018 11:40
- Английский язык
- remove_red_eye 14018
- thumb_up 42
Ответы и объяснения 1
The Solar System
A planet
A tornado
An earthquake
The Milky Way
Y. Gagarin was the first astronaut.
There are four oceans on the Earth: the Pacific, the Atlantic, the Indian and the Arctic.
No it is not. The Sun is one of many stars.
We were skating at 5 o'clock yesterday.
I have not listened to music for a long time.
Galileo made the first telescope and looked through it.
They were looking at something more interesting.
Spacemen should be very careful with their spacesuits.
- 01.01.1970 00:00
- thumb_up 14
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