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the food we eat is called our diet. all the constituents of food proteins fats carbohydrates vitamins and minerals are present in adequate quantities in a normal balanced diet. There is no need to eat excessive quantities of the or the other. Overeating is dangerous to health as the body only requires a certain amount of energy. Food eaten in excess of the body’s energy requirements is stored in the form of fat and thus increases body weight. This is potentially dangerous to health as it puts an extra strain on the heart and circulation and may lead to disease of the heart and arteries resulting in high blood pressure and heart failure.
Thus all the food we eat undergoes digestion by enzymes, which turn it into amino acids fatty acids glucose vitamins and minerals. Only when it is in this form can it be absorbed into the blood and utilized by the body cells.
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- 23.09.2018 06:11
- Английский язык
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Ответы и объяснения 1
The food we eat is called our diet.All the food components present in it in sufficient quantity.Overeating is dangerous to health.If the food eaten increases the norm, it accumulates in fats, which can cause additional strain on the heart.Thus all the food we eat undergoes digestion by enzymes, which turn it into amino acids fatty acids glucose vitamins and minerals. Надеюсь правильно поняла суть задачи)
- 24.09.2018 00:23
- thumb_up 8
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