Вопрос по английскому языку:
Fill in prepositions where necessary to complete the sentences.
1)The sum ... money he gave me was not enough to buy the CD 1 wanted.
2)It is very rube ... you to speak like that.
3)You will spoil ..your children if you let them do anything they want.
4)Fascist organizations are a threat ... our society and democracy.
5)I feel that somebody has been spying ... me for some time.Who can it be?
6)Cruelty and violence must be taken away ... the screen.
7)I can't explain Alan;s cruelty ... his dog.We must speak ... him.
8)Let's go ... the cinema instead ... going to the circus.
9)The news about his rude behaviour brought shame ... his family.
10)I was full of shame ... your rude words.
11)Mr Robinson felt no shame ... his behaviour.
12)This man spied ... the British during the war.
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- 08.11.2017 11:37
- Английский язык
- remove_red_eye 19970
- thumb_up 20
Ответы и объяснения 1
1) The sum .of.. money he gave me was not enough to buy the CD 1 wanted.
2) It is very rude .of.. you to speak like that.
3) You will spoil your children if you let them do anything they want.
4) Fascist organizations are a threat ..to. our society and democracy.
5) I feel that somebody has been spying .on.. me for some time. Who can it be?
6) Cruelty and violence must be taken away ..from. the screen.
7) I can't explain Alan's cruelty .to/towards.. his dog. We must speak .to.. him.
8) Let's go .to.. the cinema instead .of.. going to the circus.
9) The news about his rude behaviour brought shame .onto.. his family.
10) I was full of shame .because of. your rude words.
11) Mr Robinson felt no shame .for.. his behaviour.
12) This man spied .on.. the British during the war.
- 09.11.2017 18:54
- thumb_up 24
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