Вопрос по английскому языку:
Нужна срочная хелпа, как вот это вот написать:
Ask the alternative questions.
My sister gets up at eight o'clock.
We go to school in the afternoon.
Jane is fond of sports.
She does her morning exercises every day.
They have two eggs, a sandwich and a cup of tea for breakfast.
It takes him two hours to do his homework.
My friends speak French well.
My working day begins at seven o'clock.
My father and I leave home at eight o'clock.
He takes a bus to his office
Put the questions to the subject.
Tom usually helps about the house.
They speak a lot of languages.
Potters make nice things
They discus a lot of questions every meetings.
I usually play tennis with my friends.
The competitions take place almost every month.
He goes to the seaside every summer.
Our headmaster comes to school early.
The students pass exams twice a year.
Ask the special questions using the words from the gaps.
Paul plays tennis very well. (How)
Many birds fly south every summer. (How often)
Jack usually goes to work on Saturdays. ( When)
France has a lot of high mountains. (What)
You always wear glasses. (What)
Most of the students study well. (How many)
He thinks that school is boring.(Who)
The Volga flows into the Caspian Sea. (Where)
We drink coffee very often. (Who)
My children usually skate on the skating ring in our yard. (Whose)
Ask the tag questions.
Kate drinks tea every morning.
We don’t play football every day.
He is not a pupil.
My sister gets up at 7 o’clock.
They leave home at 8.30 every morning.
My mother is busy on Sunday.
We don’t arrive home late.
The children always do homework.
They don’t read the newspapers every evening.
We often drink tea together.
She doesn’t have a new dress.
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- 23.07.2018 09:58
- Английский язык
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Ответы и объяснения 1
Альтернативный вопрос задается тогда, когда предлагается сделать выбор, отдать чему-либо предпочтение.
Например вопрос, представляющий собой два общих вопроса, соединенных союзом or.
My sister gets up at eight o'clock or at seven?
We go to school in the afternoon or in the morning?
Jane is fond of sports or of music?
She does her morning exercises every day or every week?
They have two eggs, a sandwich and a cup of tea for breakfast or just sandwich?
It takes him two hours to do his homework or three hours?
My friends speak French well or bed?
My working day begins at seven o'clock or at six o'clock?
My father and I leave home at eight o'clock or at seven o'clock?
He takes a bus to his office or a taxi?
Так как подлежащее отвечает на вопросы «кто?» и «что?», следовательно, их английскими аналогами будут вопросительные слова who? и what?. При образовании вопроса к подлежащему в английском языке (the question to the subject) не нужно менять порядок слов в предложении. Если в двух словах определить принцип создания вопроса к подлежащему в английском языке, получится следующее: берем утвердительное предложение, убираем подлежащее, а на его место ставим соответствующее вопросительное слово – who? или what?.
Who usually helps about the house?
Who speaks a lot of languages?
Who makes nice things?
Who discus a lot of questions every meetings?
Who usually plays tennis with my friends?
What takes place almost every month?
Who goes to the seaside every summer?
Who comes to school early?
Who pass exams twice a year?
Структура специальных вопросов отличается от общих вопросов тем, что перед вспомогательным глаголом стоит вопросительное слово.
How Paul plays tennis?
How oftrn many birds fly south?
When Jack usually goes to work?
What France has a lot of?
What you always wear?
How many students study well?
Who thinks that school is boring?
Where Volga flows?
Who drink coffee very often?
Whose children usually skate on the skating ring in our yard?
Что представляют собой разделительные вопросы в английском языке? Они состоят из 2-х частей. Первая – утвердительная или отрицательная, вторая – «хвостик» — краткий общий вопрос. Части разделительного вопроса отделяются запятой. На русский язык хвостик вопроса переводится не правда ли?, не так ли?, ведь так?, разве не так?
Kate drinks tea every morning, doesn't she?
We don’t play football every day, do we?
He is not a pupil, is he?
My sister gets up at 7 o’clock, doesn't she?
They leave home at 8.30 every morning, didn't they?
My mother is busy on Sunday, didn't she?
We don’t arrive home late, do we?
The children always do homework, don't they?
They don’t read the newspapers every evening, do they?
We often drink tea together, didn't we?
She doesn’t have a new dress, does she?
- 25.07.2018 00:07
- thumb_up 35
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Английский язык — язык англо-фризской подгруппы западной группы германской ветви индоевропейской языковой семьи.