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Про Казахстан в 20 предложениях, на английском напишите пожалуйста
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- 25.10.2017 23:59
- Английский язык
- remove_red_eye 6890
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Ответы и объяснения 1
Kazakhstan (Kaz. Қazaқstan, n. Kazakhstan), the official name - the Republic of Kazakhstan - one of the countries of Central Asia. Ninth in the world by area, the largest of the countries that has no outlet to the ocean. The area is 2,727,300 square kilometers - more than Western Europe. [3] [4] It is bordered (clockwise from the North) with Russia - 7548.1 km, China - 1782.8 km, 1241.6 km Kyrgyzstan , Uzbekistan - 2351.4 km, Turkmenistan - 426.0 km. Washed by the waters of the inland Caspian Sea iAralskoho. Although Kazakhstan has no common border with Mongolia, the eastern point it is just 38 km from the western edge of Mongolia. Relief Kazakhstan diverse - from the plains, steppes, taiga and hills to snow-covered mountains. With 16.6 million people (estimate 2011) Kazakhstan has the 62nd largest population in the world, although its density is less than 6 persons / km². The capital moved in 1998 from Almaty, the largest city in Kazakhstan, Astana. Kazakhstan is divided into 14 regions and 2 cities of national importance. Economic and geographically divided into the Central, Western, Eastern, Northern and Southern regions.
Kazakhstan is one of the Turkic states. For most of its history the territory of modern Kazakhstan were inhabited by nomadic tribes. XVI century the Kazakhs emerged as a distinct group, divided into three Juz. The Russians began advancing in the Kazakh steppe in the XVIII century to the middle of the XIX-th all of Kazakhstan was part of the Russian Empire. After the Russian Revolution of 1917 and the subsequent civil war in the Republic of Kazakhstan was reorganized several times until it created Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic in 1936 in the USSR.
Kazakhstan declared itself an independent state December 16, 1991 Its leader Communist era, Nursultan Nazarbayev, became the first president, a post he retains today. President Nazarbayev maintains strict control over politics in the country. Since independence, Kazakhstan pursued a balanced foreign policy and worked to develop the economy, especially the oil and gas industry. [5] The post-Soviet period was also characterized by the active participation of many international organizations, vklyuchayuchyOrhanizatsiyu United Nations, the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council, the Commonwealth of Independent States and the Shanghai organization cooperation. Kazakhstan is also odiyeyu of six post-Soviet states which implement the Individual Partnership Action Plan with NATO.
- 26.10.2017 00:33
- thumb_up 13
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