Вопрос по английскому языку:
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More than 3,000 different languages are spoken in the world. More than 200 different languages are spoken (in/at)(-/the) India alone. Considering all (a/the) various dialects (in/of)(a/the) world, some languages estimate that there are (on/at)(-/the) least 10,000 variations (of/-) languages. If you are not skilled(in/at)(-/the) use (at/of) your receiver's primary language, you are facing your first major challenge (in/of) (-/the) international business communications.
(-/the) many American companies have experienced great difficulties because (of/-) lack (on/of)(-/a) knowledge (in/of) another culture's language. (-/the) Pepsi cola's slogan "Pepsi comes alive" was not received well (in/by) (-/the) Taiwan since (-/the) Chinese translations means "Pepsi brings your ancestors back (from/of) Grave."
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- 26.12.2017 03:37
- Английский язык
- remove_red_eye 18289
- thumb_up 41
Ответы и объяснения 1
More than 3,000 different languages are spoken in the world. More than 200 different languages are spoken (in) India alone. Considering all (the) various dialects (in the) world, some languists estimate that there are (at) least 10,000 variations (of) languages. If you are not skilled (at) (the) use (of) your receiver's primary language, you are facing your first major challenge (in) international business communications.
Many American companies have experienced great difficulties because of lack (of) knowledge (of) another culture's language. Pepsi cola's slogan "Pepsi comes alive" was not received well (in) Taiwan since (the) Chinese translation means "Pepsi brings your ancestors back (from) Grave."
- 27.12.2017 06:38
- thumb_up 38
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Английский язык — язык англо-фризской подгруппы западной группы германской ветви индоевропейской языковой семьи.