Вопрос по английскому языку:
Помогите составить тексты на английском (15-20 предложений ) на темы Geographical profile of the United Kingdom , London ,Geographical profile of Russian , Moscow , Doing sports , Keeping fit .Пожалуйста !
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- 03.04.2018 10:50
- Английский язык
- remove_red_eye 7112
- thumb_up 19
Ответы и объяснения 1
In 2014, the population of London is 8.7 million - 3.4 million in London and 5.1 million in outside of London. By 2020, the figures are expected to increase to 3.8 million for London and 5.5 million for outside of London. London has a higher proportion of people aged 24 to 34 than the rest of England, particularly Inner London. It also has a higher proportion of children aged 1 to 4 and a lower proportion of people aged 49 or over. London has a higher proportion of single person (28%) and multi-family households (17%) than the rest of England. The proportion in Outskirt London lies between London and the rest of country.The population of East and South grew by 20% over the last decade, faster than any other parts of London . The population increase was gradual in the West at 6.6%, similar to the rest of England. The population of London, is more than 10,000 people per square km, compared with 3,000 in London and 300 on average in the rest of England.
- 04.04.2018 09:55
- thumb_up 9
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