Вопрос по английскому языку:
Нужно написать 15 предложений на английском языке на тему : Что бы вы сделали если бы оказались на необитаемом острове!? Огромное спасибо заранее!)
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- 06.07.2018 15:04
- Английский язык
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- thumb_up 24
Ответы и объяснения 2
If I were found myself planted on a desert island, firstly I'd examined it. I know that water is the most important thing for life, I will be looking for drinking water. It is impossible to survive without it. My next step will be the research of something that could protect me. I need to have a tent or something, for example, branches, that will save me from the raining or bad weather. Of course, I also need some meal. To my mind, firstly I will be looking for fruits because it is easy to find them. Also I would be looking for fire. I would be done my best for making up the fire. It would be both a signal for lifesavers and a protection from animals. So anyway I would be trying not to lose the power of the human spirit!
- 07.07.2018 12:42
- thumb_up 50
If I found myself on the desrt island, I would try to do my best to survive. I would find a cave to live in. Or maybe I would build a hut from branches and leaves. I would find food and make a good reserve of it in a safe place. Then I would try to make a fire by using some glass and the sunlight. I would explore the island for animals and plants that I might use in my life on the island. I could have some plantation of edible plants near my hut. And I could tame some animals such as goats to give me milk and meat. I would also try to make some weapons from trees and stones. I should definitely mark all the passing days so as not to forget the dates. I would try to make special signs for passing ships to notice me. I could put big heaps of dry grass and wood on the shore and to light it when a ship was near. In this way they could see me. In other words I would try to do all I could to survive before I was saved. And of course I would continue believing that I would be saved one day!
- 08.07.2018 03:38
- thumb_up 14
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