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- 15.11.2017 08:20
- Английский язык
- remove_red_eye 12704
- thumb_up 6
Ответы и объяснения 1
On board there were three ( astronauts ).
After a long trip through space lasting four and half days , the Appollo -11 landing craft reached the
( Moon ).
He was dressed in a ( spacesuit ).
"That is one small step for man and giant leap for ( mankind ).
The astronauts firmly placed placed American ( flag )...
They studied the Moon , took many (photographs ) and gathered moon rocks to take back to the (Earth ).
Answer the questions
1.The Appolo -11 was first spaceship landed the Moon .
2.The names of astronauts were commander Neil Armstrong , Michael Collins and Edwin Aldrin .
3.Their flight lasted four and a half days .
4.The date was July 20 , 1969 when they landed the Moon .
5.The astronauts firmly placed an American flag on the Moon to show that they were the first people there .
- 16.11.2017 21:06
- thumb_up 7
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