Вопрос по английскому языку:
This happened in Australia, during a water-polo game which was one of the most interesting sports competition of the season. There was nothing exciting at the beginning of the game; but suddenly one of the players jumped out of the water and ran to the referee. He said that the forward of the other team had bitten him in the leg while he was swimming under water.
At first the referee thought that it was a joke, but when the player showed at blood on his leg, he had to believe that it was serious. The referee told the forward to leave the game.
They began again, but a few minutes later, several players climbed out of the water one by one, shouting that somebody had bitten them. There was blood on both players’ legs. The game was stopped, and they began to let the water out of the pool. When there was no water in the pool everybody saw a young crocodile at the bottom of the pool.
Somebody had put the crocodile into the pool, but why?
When the players returned to their dressing-room after the game, they found a letter there.
“I have been a water-polo fan for many years”, one of the fans wrote
“and I don’t like that the game becomes slow and uninteresting, and I have decided to make the players move faster. I don’t think I can do this well myself, and I have decided that my crocodile will do it better. ”
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- 17.05.2018 23:29
- Английский язык
- remove_red_eye 19728
- thumb_up 26
Ответы и объяснения 1
1. Where did this story happen?
2. This story happened during a water-polo game, didn't it?
3. What was there exciting at the beginning of the game?
4. What did one of the players say to the referee?
5. Was there blood on his leg?
6. What did the referee do? Did he stop the game?
7.When did everybody see a crocodile at the bottom of the pool?
8. What did the players find in their dressing-room?
9. Who put the crocodile into the pool?
10. Why did the man put the crocodile into a pool?
- 18.05.2018 15:28
- thumb_up 5
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