Вопрос по английскому языку:
Составить по тексту вопросы как в образцеMaslenitsa’ is the week before Lent.
It’s when Russians say goodbye to winter and welcome spring. It’s a time of singing,
dancing and fun. There’s a lot to eat , too especially- blinis, which are delicious butter pancakes.
Children dress up and play in the snow.
We go for sleigh rides, go sledging, have snowball fights and lots more. We make a straw doll of ‘ Lady Maslenitsa’, who is dressed in special clothes. On Sunday evening, we burn Lady Maslenitsa on a big bonfire. The spring festival is over and Lent begins.
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- 27.02.2018 10:08
- Английский язык
- remove_red_eye 15331
- thumb_up 11
Ответы и объяснения 1
1. During Maslenitsa Russians say goodbye to...
a) swallows b) winter c) pancakes
2. Russians celebrate Maslenitsa during...
a) the last week before Lent b) winter holidays c) 1 May
3. Traditional Maslenitsa's food is...
a) painted eggs b) turkey c) pancakes
4. What festival in Europe is similar to Maslenitsa?
a) Carnival b) Boxing Day c) Mother's Day
5. During Maslenitsa people...
a) wathcing TV b) sledding c) playing golf
- 28.02.2018 12:25
- thumb_up 33
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