Вопрос по английскому языку:
Choose the correct words or phrases. 1)Don't be so naive!How could you believe such a (dull/far-fetched/disturbing )story.2)It's a shame he was taken ill and couldn't play today.But that (understudy/producer/conductor)was exceptionally good.3)Their refusal to use technological inventions is very (open/absent/narrow)-minded.4)There were no tickets available on the balcony,so we chose seats (in the stalls/at the backstage/in the dressing room).5)It's the (costume/clothes/dress)rehearsal for the school play today.I'm really excited.
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- 13.08.2018 09:53
- Английский язык
- remove_red_eye 13954
- thumb_up 47
Ответы и объяснения 1
1) Don't be so naive!How could you believe such a (far-fetched) story. 2) It's a shame he was taken ill and couldn't play today. But that (conductor) was exceptionally good. 3) Their refusal to use technological inventions is very (narrow)-minded.4) There were no tickets available on the balcony, so we chose seats (in the stalls). 5) It's the (dress) rehearsal for the school play today. I'm really excited.
- 14.08.2018 14:42
- thumb_up 18
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