Вопрос по английскому языку:
Complete the disjunctive questions. 1)______, is not he? 2)______,are not I? 3)______, can you? 4) ______,must we? 5) ______, were not they? 6) ______, will he? 7) ______, could not she? 8) ______, have you? 9) ______, have not we? 10) ______, won't he? 11) ______, is it? 12) ______, was not it?
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- 20.04.2018 05:59
- Английский язык
- remove_red_eye 10897
- thumb_up 7
Ответы и объяснения 2
he is clever ,isn't he? I'm invited to the party, aren't I ? you can't sing, can you? we must not do that ,must we? they were dating,weren't they? he won't come, will he ? she could do that to me, couldn't she? you haven't heard the latest news, have you? we have not finished homework , have we? he will quit his job, won't he? it isn't great, is it? it was her fault, wasn't it?
- 21.04.2018 10:45
- thumb_up 7
1.Mike is a doctor, isn`t he? 2. I am an astronaut, aren`t I? 3. you can`t play the piano, can you? 4.We mustn`t cut down the trees, must we? 5. Last year they were in Sochi, weren`t they? 6. He won`t be a teacher of English, will he? 7. She could have lunch there, couldn`t she? 8. Masha and you haven`t any new books, have you? 9. Sara and I have six lessons every day, haven`t we? 10. Mudranov will be a champion, won`t he? 11. It`s not very coldtoday, is it? 12. It was our secret, wasn`t it?
- 22.04.2018 08:29
- thumb_up 42
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