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Помогите пожалуйста написать сочинение по английскому.
вот тема:
Your teacher has asked you to write a story called "Trapped!". Write your story (120-180 words)
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- 22.01.2018 06:03
- Английский язык
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Ответы и объяснения 1
( Ловушка мира: вымирающие животные) Endangered SpeciesEvery year the number of endangered species steadily grows. It would be good to define what the community of endangered species is. It is a population of organisms which is at risk of becoming extinct. More than 40 percent of all organisms are likely to become extinct soon, which is unbelievable. Some of them are simply few in numbers, some are threatened by changing environment. In most cases animal extinction, as well as other natural calamities, is a result of human actions. Many habitats are being destroyed around the world. It seems that endangered wildlife is everywhere around us. To think only that these cute little polar bears at the zoo are gradually going to become extinct. Human activity has strong influence on the process of animal extinction. People chop down numerous forests, leaving certain species without shelter and their natural habitat. They also build newer and newer factories, which release chemical wastes into ocean water. As a result, thousands of sea animal die out. Moreover, people often overexploit animals, buying and selling their valuable parts, such as skin, teeth, fat, tusks. Domestic animals are also badly treated. If people continue treating our environment in such way, we will soon be trapped in ecological disaster. There are many reasons for rare species’ conservation. Firstly, they have aesthetic value. Secondly, they are useful from medical point of view. And, finally, the ecology of our planet literally depends on them.
- 23.01.2018 12:23
- thumb_up 49
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