Вопрос по английскому языку:
Ребятки срочно помогите даю много баллов очень!!!!
1. He didn’t let anybody in his house. He_____________ it alone.
a) reigns b) owned c) have d) own
2. There was a wonderful dress and a diamond _____________ on the Queen at the party.
a) crown b) cap c) hat d) shoes
3. Do you know that a king or a queen has to be _____________ before he or she begins to reign?
a) married b) crowned c) defeated d) ruled
4. The _____________ of the Queen Victoria was the longest in the history of Britain.
a) reign b) life c) story d) history
5. The Russian army _____________ the German army during the Great Patriotic War.
a) touched b) defeated c) reminded d) protected
6. Nobody could defeat king Arthur. There was a legend that King Arthur and his men were _____________.
a) undefeated b) excited c) attracted d) dangerous
7. I always forget to put salt into soup. _____________ me to do it.
a) Remember b) Remind c) Repeat d) Retell
8. Don’t_____________ the fire, you may hurt yourself.
a) take b) touch c) smell d) play
9. — Why are you crying?
— The story is so_____________ I can’t stop crying.
a) interesting b) boring c) touching d) long
10. I think that there is no good_____________ for being late.
a) reason b) idea c) touching d) season
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- 13.12.2017 12:03
- Английский язык
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