Вопрос по английскому языку:
1) Выберите предложения в форме страдательного залога, определите время. Переведите на русский язык.
1) Somebody has broken the vase.
2) A lot of people were invited to the party.
3) Will a new library be opened by the Queen?
4) They built this house in 1967.
5) They show this film every week.
6) What was Marina told about?
7) Thousands of tourists visit London every year.
8) I have just been promised to buy a new computer.
9) A letter is being written at the moment.
10) She was being waited for at school.
2) Выберите правильный вариант ответа.
1) The streets ……………… next Friday.
a) are decorated
b) will decorate
c) will be decorated
d) are being decorated
Контрольная работа по английскому языку по теме Страдательный залог
2) This dictionary …………….. now.
a) is being published
b) is being publish
c) is published
d) was published
3) The doctor ……………… for an hour ago.
a) has sent
b) will send
c) was sent
d) will be sent
4) A lot of books ……………. this month.
a) are sold
b) is sold
c) have sold
d) have been sold
3) Раскройте скобки, употребляя соответствующий залог и время.
1) A new TV set (to buy) two months ago?
2) A lot of new songs (to sing) at the concert next Sunday.
3) My sister (not, to clean) her room every week.
4) Dinner already (to cook) by Mother.
5) The rules (not, to explain) by the teacher now.
Трудности с пониманием предмета? Готовишься к экзаменам, ОГЭ или ЕГЭ?
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- 02.02.2018 14:29
- Английский язык
- remove_red_eye 17663
- thumb_up 47
Ответы и объяснения 1
2) A lot of people were invited to the party. - past simple. Много людей было приглашено на вечеринку.
3) Will a new library be opened by the Queen? - future simple. Будет ли новая библиотека открыта королевой?
6) What was Marina told about? - past simple. О чем рассказали Марине?
8) I have just been promised to buy a new computer. - present perfect. Мне только что пообещали купить новый компьютер.
9) A letter is being written at the moment. - present continuous. Письмо пишут в данный момент.
10) She was being waited for at school. - past continuous. Ее ждали у школы.
1. с); 2. a); 3. c); 4. d)
1) Has a new TV set been bought two mounth ago?
2) A lot of new songs will be sung at the concert next Sunday.
3) My sister doesn't clean her room every week.
4) Dinner has already been cooked by Mother.
5) The rules isn't being explained by the teacher now.
- 03.02.2018 02:18
- thumb_up 29
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