Вопрос по английскому языку:
Помогите Написать правильную форму глагола:
1.Peter (to read) by the fireplace when the door (to open) and the maid (to enter) yesterday.
2. If you (to ring) me up tomorrow, I (to tell) you all about it.
3. Shut the door! The room (to be) full of smells which (to come) from the kitchen. Mother (not to like) kitchen smells in the room.
4. Last night he (to finish) the book which he (to begin) writing a year ago.
5. At last the librarian (to give me) the book which I (to wait) for during two months.
6. You ever (to see) a flying saucer?
Трудности с пониманием предмета? Готовишься к экзаменам, ОГЭ или ЕГЭ?
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- 05.02.2018 14:36
- Английский язык
- remove_red_eye 18317
- thumb_up 31
Ответы и объяснения 2
1. Peter was read by the fireplace when the door opened and the maid entered yesterday.
2. If you ring me up tomorrow, I will tell you all about it.
3. Shut the door! The room is full of smells which came from the kitchen. Mother doesn't kitchen smells in the room.
4. Last night he finished the book which he had begun writing a year ago.
5. At last the librarian gave me the book which I have been waiting for during two months.
6. Have you ever seen a flying saucer?
- 06.02.2018 15:30
- thumb_up 33
1was reading.opened.entered
2ring.I'll tell
3is.is coming.doesn't like
5gave.had waited(had been waiting)
6have you ever seen a flying saucer?
- 07.02.2018 04:33
- thumb_up 31
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Английский язык — язык англо-фризской подгруппы западной группы германской ветви индоевропейской языковой семьи.