Вопрос по английскому языку:
fill with the present simple or present contiuous. Which verbs describe: actions? states? Explain the differences in meaning.
1.А: Why...(you/smell) that towel?
B: It...(smell) wonderful! What washing powder did you use?
2. A: I...(see) my niece tonight.
B: I...(see). So you wont be coming to the cinema with us then, will you
3.A: I hear you...(look) for a new job.
B: Yes, it....(look) as if I am going to lose my present one.
4.A: We...(think) of moving house.
B: Oh, good for you! I... (think) that's a great idea!
5.A: What s wrong with Tony? He...(be) usually so cheerful!
B: I know. He...(be) really moody today.
Трудности с пониманием предмета? Готовишься к экзаменам, ОГЭ или ЕГЭ?
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- 10.05.2018 05:18
- Английский язык
- remove_red_eye 8083
- thumb_up 36
Ответы и объяснения 1
Why are you smelling that towel? It smells wonderful (state) 2.i am seeing my niece tonight( action) B. I see( state, i understand) 3. I hear you are looking for a job(action) Yes, it looks as if i am going to lose(state,) 4. We are thinking of moving house( state, we are planning) Oh, good for you! I think( state, own opinion) 5. What's wrong with Tony? He is usually so cheerful( state, feeling) He isn't really moody today ( state) P.s. i guess like this)))
- 11.05.2018 07:05
- thumb_up 32
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