Вопрос по английскому языку:
Вопросительные и отрицательные предложения
1. He goes to school every day
2. My sister works at a hospital
3.we work every day
4. the live in the USA
5. he plays football every day
6. She visits her parents very often
7. He father works at an office
8. They play tennis very often
9. We go to the cinema on saturday
10. He wants to become a pilot
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- 27.07.2018 02:32
- Английский язык
- remove_red_eye 11784
- thumb_up 48
Ответы и объяснения 1
1) He goes to school every day.
Does he go to school every day?
He does not go to school every day.
2) My sister works at a hospital.
Does my sister work in a hospital?
My sister does not work in a hospital.
3) We work every day.
Do we work every day?
We do not work every day.
4) They live in the USA.
Do they live in the USA?
They do not live in the USA.
5) He plays football every day.
Does he play football every day?
He does not play football every day.
6) She visits her parents very often.
Does she visit her parents very often?
She does not visit her parents very often.
7) His father works at an office.
Does his father work at an office?
His father does not work at an office.
8) They play tennis very often.
Do they play tennis very often?
They do not play tennis very often.
9) We go to the cinema on Saturday.
Do we go to the cinema on Saturday?
We do not go to the cinema on Saturday.
10) He wants to become a pilot.
Does he want to become a pilot?
He does not want to become a pilot.
- 28.07.2018 20:35
- thumb_up 34
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