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- 14.08.2018 21:34
- Английский язык
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Ответы и объяснения 1
Diary Kate Fletcher
September 14 Monday
Last year the school will stand out not easy. Obviously, everything is talking about the upcoming exams. Jane also agrees that it will not be easy. That's right, good to have an older friend. Of course, Jane is now there is little time she entered one of the prestigious universities in London. She had dreamed about this. Besides the fact that she scored good marks for their exams, she was worthy of its receipt. I have also decided where I will act. No wonder I was always curious science, I see myself as an employee of medicine.
September 15, Tuesday
Dad never agrees with me. He had always dreamed that I chose the profession of translator. But lately, my Spanish has become so bad that in the last test I hardly scored a passing grade.At school we have a disco planned, Mr. Jason has allowed us to start preparing for the holiday. It would be great if I could dance with Henry, he recently began to pay attention to me, even though Hillary tells me that he is very proud and you can not do anything to be together. I believe she is jealous.
September 16, WednesdayAwful weather turned bad. Oh no! When we met with Hillary to go shopping in the store. I was very wet and froze. It would not be news if soon I will lie with a thermometer at home and drink tablets!
September 17, Thursday
Day:Oh, this is the best day of my life! I felt better, slept temperature. At school, I met with Hillary, we talked about the upcoming party. It turns out that Henry plays well in bobsled, his brother led a small federation of sport in our town.Evening:ABOUT! I do not know how to describe it! I have great admiration! Henry still invited me to dance! It was unforgettable! We became the best pair of the evening!When he invited me on Saturday to his birthday. He turns 18 and his parents had promised to give him a motorcycle. It's great!
September 18, Friday
Terrible headache, I even had to take time off from mathematics today, Mrs. Smith told me to see a doctor. Hillary allowed to take me home. The weather deteriorated again. I think I need a nap. And tomorrow will have to buy a gift Henry.
September 19, Saturday
I came home late, parents even had agitated. Triumph Henry was memorable. First, I had to help his mother with cooking turkey, as I was an early visitor, and after we do it together with the decoration of the room. It turns out he is not so proud. It is enough fun, he even allowed me to take a couple of his CDs. (We like the same music group). Still nothing Hillary slander him.Later, when everyone gathered, we began to relax and have fun. His brother played guitar, we all listened. I said that I would be better if he seriously took up music than sports. He was not offended and said that the sport he likes more.Hillary also had fun today. As it turned out, she also found herself a boyfriend among friends Henry.
September 20, Sunday
Corresponded by an email with Jane, she told her how things work at the university. She likes its future profession. It will be a designer.My younger brother, Daniel won the city competition on the run. We as a family are very proud of him.
- 15.08.2018 18:47
- thumb_up 12
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