Вопрос по английскому языку:
Написать по английски текст как ты первый раз пошел в школу
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- 14.02.2018 09:32
- Английский язык
- remove_red_eye 19782
- thumb_up 9
Ответы и объяснения 1
Last summer Sandu decided to spend his vacation at his cousin’s who lives in the North of Moldova. It was at the beginning of July when he left for the village of Sofia. The weather was fantastic and the surroundings were full of greenery. The beauty of the countryside impressed him very much. When meeting his cousin Lucia at the railway station, he was surprised by her change. It was two years ago when he saw her last. Instead of a short, clumsy child, now there was a different person in front of him: a tall, graceful young girl. He couldn’t help noticing her big blue eyes with long, thick eyelashes and dark eyebrows. Most of all, he liked her long, wavy hair that shone in the sun. She was the sort of person who seemed to attract everybody, especially when she smiled. His aunt’s house wasn’t far from the station, so it didn’t take them long to get there. When they approached the house, his aunt greeted him. Sandu was happy to see her. He stayed at his aunt Maria’s for two weeks. He had a good opportunity to learn a lot of things about life on the farm and make new friends.
- 15.02.2018 19:14
- thumb_up 20
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