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- 03.12.2017 14:35
- Английский язык
- remove_red_eye 15176
- thumb_up 8
Ответы и объяснения 1
My plans for the future To better tell you about my plans for the future life, I suggest you imagine multistory building symbolic. The first floor it occupies higher education after graduation. My dream is to study the psychological faculty of the university, because I believe that the progress of society continue to depend on full utilization of mental capacities of man, which to date has revealed very little. The second floor of my "home plan" is divided into two parts: on the right, for example, is a promising and interesting work in the field of applied psychology, and on the left - own family where I could happily realized as a woman and mother. I think that I agree with most people: interesting and well paid work plus family welfare, love - this is the components of human happiness. Although both parts of the "second floor" with each other functional and architectural differences, but they are harmoniously combined with each other. Therefore, on this floor comfortable me and my family. There is in my house a third floor. Having got a solid experience in the work, I want to deepen their knowledge of the specialty, and therefore learn and get another adjacent specialty. This would allow me to more advanced specialist and may then proceed with scientific work in psychology. And I hope that my future will not be comfortable, quiet, because the plans I associate more with social activities. I was attracted to work in ecological environment and patriotic activity. So let the steps of the "house of dreams" lead me to the home of my plans - to be self-sufficient personality!
- 04.12.2017 05:30
- thumb_up 4
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