Вопрос по английскому языку:
Form the necessary derivatives from the words on the right and complete the sentences.
1.Australia is a land of(strike)differences.
2.In the(centre)part of Australia there are desert,the land is dry and(inhabited).
3.New South Wales is Australia's leading(industry)state.
4.Bananas and other(tropic)fruit are grown in Australia.
5.Some of Australia's most(productive)desert lands occupy the bigger part of Queensland.
6.Australia is the leading (produce)of pears and berries of(differ)kinds.
7.Canberra is the seat of the federal(govern)important centre of(learn).
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- 09.04.2018 21:27
- Английский язык
- remove_red_eye 5272
- thumb_up 37
Ответы и объяснения 1
1. Australia is a land of (striking) differences.
2. In the (central) part of Australia there are desert, the land is dry and (uninhabited).
3. New South Wales is Australia's leading (industrial) state.
4. Bananas and other (tropical) fruit are grown in Australia.
5. Some of Australia's most (unproductive) desert lands occupy the bigger part of Queensland.
6. Australia is the leading (producer) of pears and berries of (different) kinds.
7. Canberra is the seat of the federal (government) important centre of (learning).
- 01.01.1970 00:00
- thumb_up 6
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