Вопрос по английскому языку:
сочинение на тему
напишите, пища, которую вы обычно предпочитаете и почему
дать некоторые сведения :
еда Вам нравится/не нравится
любимое блюдо
то, что вы можете готовить самостоятельно
где вы предпочитаете покупать еду.Объясните ваш выбор.
напишите, что пища, которую вы обычно предпочитаете и почему
write what food you usually prefer and why 7/8 sentences.give some information about:
food you like/dislike
your favorite dish
what you can cook yourself
where you prefer to buy food.Explain your choice.
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- 15.06.2018 17:45
- Английский язык
- remove_red_eye 12352
- thumb_up 41
Ответы и объяснения 1
Everybody in our world has his or her favourite and lovely food.Fast foods,fresh foods or just some kind of the things which we eat are usual foods.I like borsch,because it is really delucious,fresh,which has a lot of vitamins ,which can be the most important thing in my health.Usually my Mom cooks borsch and in the future she will teach me how to cook it.My mom cooks borsch very often,because she knows that I love it.Usually when I don't have a time to eat a food,I buy anything to eat in the kafe or restaurant,but usually I buy fast foods,because they are cooked very fast and they are eaten like this.I don't like buying the dishes in the restaurants,because there is no the best thing than my.mother's food.In my life I want to eat the foods which are cooked at home,because they are delicious and cooked from fresh vegetables and meat.
- 16.06.2018 04:30
- thumb_up 38
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