Вопрос по английскому языку:
Поставьте слова в правильном порядке,чтобы получилось предложение.
1) Reef, world, in, largest, the, is, Barrier, the, coral, the, reef, Great.
2) Australia, the, off, Sea, located, the, of, is, northeast, Reef, the, in, coast, Coral.
3) size, 70, the, football, is, Reef, fields, about, Barrier, of, Great, million, the!
4) space, Barrier, the, see, astronauts, from, Great, can, Reef.
5) Disney/Pixar, which, Clown, the, based, popular, Fish, is, lives, Nemo, over, on, all, character, Reef, the.
6) the, beautiful, live, Great, is but, animals, ocean, the, some, Barrier, of, in, deadliest, Reef, the, there.
7) to, corals, forbidden, from, it, any, Reef, the, take, is.
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- 12.02.2018 01:10
- Английский язык
- remove_red_eye 7293
- thumb_up 13
Ответы и объяснения 1
1.The Great Barrier Reef is the largest coral reef in the world.
2.The Coral Reef is located in the north east Sea of the Australia coast.
3.The Great Barrier Reef size is about the 70 million football fields.
4.Astronauts can see the Great Barrier Reef from space.
5.Disney/Pixar popular Nemo character is based on Clown Fish which lives over all the Reef.
6.In the Great Barrier Reef there live some beautiful but deadliest animals of the ocean.
7.It is forbidden to take any corals from the Reef.
- 13.02.2018 16:12
- thumb_up 26
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