Вопрос по английскому языку:
Ex.2 ( упр.4 стр.84) Complete these sentences using present perfect of the verbs and the adjectives in the superlative.
Example: The temperature is +35 °C today. It's the hottest temperate we ever (have). It's the hottest temperature we have ever had.
1) I really love this film. It is (interesting/see).
2) I don't think you should read this book. It is (boring/read).
3) Your marks are terrible. They are (bad/have).
4) Jane, you look wonderful today. You are wearing a very nice hat. It is (good/see).
5) This year winter is so cold. It is (cold/have).
6) The basketball player is so big. He is (tall/see).
7) The children are really enjoying their holidays. They are (good have).
8) The result of the game is terrible. It is (bad/see).
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- 14.04.2018 06:17
- Английский язык
- remove_red_eye 5266
- thumb_up 47
Ответы и объяснения 1
1) I really love this film. It is the most interesting one I have ever seen.
2) I don't think you should read this book. It is the most boring one I have ever read.
3) Your marks are terrible. They are the worst marks you have ever had.
4) Jane, you look wonderful today. You are wearing a very nice hat. It is the best one we have ever seen.
5) This year winter is so cold. It is the coldest one we have ever had.
6) The basketball player is so big. He is the tallest person I have ever seen.
7) The children are really enjoying their holidays. They are the best holidays they have ever had.
8) The result of the game is terrible. It is the worst game we have ever seen.
- 15.04.2018 09:24
- thumb_up 21
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