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Срочно нужно сочинение на тему my life in the kindergarten
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- 04.02.2018 18:57
- Английский язык
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Ответы и объяснения 1
My name is Nadezhda. I am nineteen years old. I was born in the village of the Tver region. My family is very big, I have three sisters, and I am the youngest. When I was four years old, my family moved to Moscow. As the other children, I went to the kindergarten, where I learned a lot and taught others. Although I didn’t like to go to kindergarten, I felt more capable than the other children. I liked to draw, sculpt from plasticine, make origami, read books to the children and, of course, to play, especially “Barbershop”.My life changed when I started to go to school. I felt grown up, and I was one of the elders in the classroom. I studied well and participated in competitions, Olympiads. I didn’t lose my interest in drawing, and my favorite subjects were Work and Art. I went for a walk with my friends and roller-skating in my free time. On summer holidays I went to the camp or to my friend’s in Konakovo, there was always lots of fun: swimming in the river, sunbathing, walking, walking in the woods for mushrooms and berries, dancing at discos. At school time I wanted to become a veterinarian because I loved animals. And later I dreamed of becoming a designer, probably because of the ability to draw increased. To create, invent and reinvent were my favorite things. In general, my creative work went with me by one way. In the seventh form I began to lose interest to study. I should have learnt more and more things, and I had less time for fun and creativity.
- 06.02.2018 00:02
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