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- 11.12.2017 16:26
- Английский язык
- remove_red_eye 12339
- thumb_up 35
Ответы и объяснения 1
On Halloween in 2009, the two boys decided to play people in their area. Near the cemetery there was a small path. They decided to climb on trees growing opposite each other across the street, and someone will go, they will pull the line and shoot down a passer-hat. When they first approached the victim, they pulled the line and knocked off his hat passer. Passer in terror fled away. Boys were very happy that their joke to work, so we decided to repeat it. They saw them approaching, a shadow, and hid. When the shadow reached them, they struggled pulled the fishing line. Then they heard something fall, and saw the severed head rolled along the ground.
- 12.12.2017 16:03
- thumb_up 28
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