Вопрос по английскому языку:
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Задание:complete the sentences with First Second or Third Conditionals.
1. I learnt a lot at untiversity. but i___(not graduate) if my parents__(not help) me financially.
2. Do not panic! If we__(leave) now we__(still get) there on time.
3. I doubt i get that job - and perhaps it a good thing too. If i__(get) the job i__(have to) move to london.
4. Our day out has been a complete disaster.
if i__(know) it was going to be so horrible i__(stay) at home.
5. I do not know why you always listen to loud music when you revising. if you__(concentrate) you__(remember) more.
6. It your own fauit that you failed. if you__(not play) computer games all night you__(pass)
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- 21.06.2018 01:06
- Английский язык
- remove_red_eye 13992
- thumb_up 12
Ответы и объяснения 1
1. I learnt a lot at untiversity. But I wouldn't have graduated if my parents hadn't helped me financially.
2. Do not panic! If we leave now we will still get there on time.
3. I doubt i get that job - and perhaps it a good thing too. If I got the job I would have to move to london.
4. Our day out has been a complete disaster. If I had known it was going to be so horrible I would have stayed at home.
5. I do not know why you always listen to loud music when you revising. If you concentrate you will remember more.
6. It your own fault that you failed. If you hadn't played computer games all night you would have passed
- 22.06.2018 18:27
- thumb_up 48
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