Вопрос по английскому языку:
What would you tell your foreign friend about your school? Remember to say:
about extracurricular activities and clubs at your school;
about the annual events and competitions;
excursions or school trips;
if you have a student TV and radio at your school and what programmes they offer
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- 16.03.2018 13:37
- Английский язык
- remove_red_eye 15767
- thumb_up 44
Ответы и объяснения 1
Well, what can I tell about my school? it's an ordinary school. It has some teachers and lots of students. But sometimes we have different competitions. For instanse we have a dance competition "Starteenager" We have it every year. But unfortunately we haven't won yet. Also we have some sport competitions like "mather, father and I - we are family". It is not too difficult and it's always funny. What about extracurricular activities and clubs at our school? We had some sport and art clubs. But now there isn't anyone. And it's sad! Although sometimes we have trips. And i like them. Because i think that they combine pupils. Our school isn't as good as English or American schools but anyway we are not worse than they.
- 17.03.2018 03:40
- thumb_up 18
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