Вопрос по английскому языку:
Ответь на вопросы
1) Does Bob have a bird? Is it his bird?
2) Is old Mrs Griffin by the fire? Is she in bed?
3) Is Genral Green in his room? Can you see his diary?
4) Are the children in the street? Are they on the sledge?
5) Does the chimp like bananas? Does it have five bananas? Are the bananas in the cage?
6) Are pupils in the gym? Are they on the stage?
6) Can you see a giant on page 4? Can you see a giant on page 5?
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- 10.04.2018 02:42
- Английский язык
- remove_red_eye 7325
- thumb_up 33
Ответы и объяснения 1
1) Does Bob have a bird? Is it his bird? Yes, he does. It is his bird.2) Is old Mrs Griffin by the fire? Is she in bed? No,old Mrs Griffin isn't by the fire.She is in bed.3) Is Genral Green in his room? Can you see his diary?Yes,Genral Green is in his room. No, I can not see his diary.4) Are the children in the street? Are they on the sledge?Yes, they are in the street. Nom they aren't on the sledge.5) Does the chimp like bananas? Does it have five bananas? Are the bananas in the cage? Yes, it does like bananas. Yes, it have five bananas. No, they aren't in the cage. 6) Are pupils in the gym? Are they on the stage? Pupils are in the gym. They aren't on the stage.6) Can you see a giant on page 4? Can you see a giant on page 5? Yes, I can. No,I can not.
- 11.04.2018 14:17
- thumb_up 12
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Английский язык — язык англо-фризской подгруппы западной группы германской ветви индоевропейской языковой семьи.