Вопрос по английскому языку:
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1. The boy helped us ... find the way to the railway station.
2. He would sooner ... die than ... betray his friends.
3. Why not ... start out now? We cannot wait for the rain ... stop.
4. You'll be better tomorrow. You may ... come and ... dine with us.
5. Don't let us ... get worried. There are a hundred things ... be done.
6. We had better ... make haste.
7. You ought not ... speak to the Dean like that.
8. What made you ... think so?
9. "Thanks," Andrew answered, "I'd rather ... see the cases myself."
10. He was made ... obey the rules.
11. I thought I would rather ... get to the gallery alone, but I was obliged ... accept his company.
12.... have gone through what you have gone through is the lot of very few.
13. Get them ... come as early as possible.
14. There is hardly anything ... do but ... work out an alternative plan.
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- 11.03.2018 13:01
- Английский язык
- remove_red_eye 14665
- thumb_up 5
Ответы и объяснения 1
1. The boy helped us to find the way to the railway station.
2. He would sooner die than betray his friends.
3. Why not to start out now? We cannot wait for the rain to stop.
4. You'll be better tomorrow. You may come and dine with us.
5. Don't let us get worried. There are a hundred things to be done.
6. We had better make haste.
7. You ought not to speak to the Dean like that.
8. What made you think so?
9. "Thanks," Andrew answered, "I'd rather see the cases myself."
10. He was made to obey the rules.
11. I thought I would rather get to the gallery alone, but I was obliged to accept his company.
12.to have gone through what you have gone through is the lot of very few.
13. Get them come as early as possible.
14. There is hardly anything to do but to work out an alternative plan.
- 12.03.2018 03:10
- thumb_up 8
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Английский язык — язык англо-фризской подгруппы западной группы германской ветви индоевропейской языковой семьи.